great call, thank YOU
Our new framework – where we have different members of the group tee up the conversation on three topics from our reading – seemed to work well tonight. Thanks again to Eric, Rob and Frank for leading our conversations on the treaties in Book Five, the Melian dialogue at the end of Book Five, and the debate/decision to go to Sicily in Book Six.
Let me know if you have further feedback on the call format – or anything I can do to improve the experience. For those of you who missed tonight’s call, I’ll get that up on the website soon.
P.S. We are designing a shirt for Robert Strassler that will say in Latin something like – “Thanks to Robert Strassler for creating the “Landmark Thucydides”, an edition that we consider a “possession for all time.” Andre is translating into Latin (his Latin is better than his ancient Greek 😉 and we’ll give it to Robert Strassler when we see him at the museum Friday, Aug 18.
P.S.S. For those of you who came to Thucydides late, we are paraphrasing Thucydides’ famous words from Book 1, page 16 (1.22.4) when he says “I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time.”