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April 2008 Plato – Apology and Phaedo – audio recording
Here’s the audio recording for the Plato April call. Listen online or download the mp3 file and listen to it as a podcast on your ipod. Download Plato-April2008-Apology-Phaedo.mp3 Continue reading
Book 1 Landmark Herodotus – audio recording
Here’s the audio recording for Herodotus Book 1. Listen online or download the mp3 file and listen to it as a podcast on your ipod. Download Herodotus-April2008-Book1.mp3 Continue reading
Some thoughts
General impressions-this is the first time I’ve read Plato and I found it much more assessible than I anticipated. I guess that’s why it’s lasted 2400 years (and a great translation pick by our leaders certainly helped).-I was struck by the theme … Continue reading
short dialect discussion.
All,We can discuss this briefly tonight (if the group chooses) but I thought I’d send a pre-chat note.Tim Appendix K of our text has a good, brief overview of the 4 main dialects as they are understood. I also found a great summary online at http:… Continue reading
Review A.Pagden, Worlds at War: The 2,500-Year Struggle between East and West
The Book of the Week: Worlds at War: The 2,500-Year Struggle between East and West Times Higher Education Supplement 03 April 2008… Tom Palaima on a long, bloody clash of c… Continue reading
Herodotus Observations
I want to thank everyone for sending along their notes and observations on the book so far – it really gives me a deeper sense of how people read and the many layers of the book. Personally, I was amazed at how prolific three things were: 1. How d… Continue reading
Some notes on Book I of Herodotus
Hi folks, I’ve taken a few notes about Book I, and published them to a Google Doc which (if I did it correctly) should be accessible here My Book I notes are mostly about oracles, dreams, and omens. (I got to wondering what percent of the time an … Continue reading
my two cents
Hi all, I’m not far into Book 1… I’ve been thinking about the use of technology then and now. The purpose of using language and writing to record the history was to store the knowledge for others – you have to marvel at its longevity and the fac… Continue reading
Carl Kawaja (H2008)
Carl Kawaja is a portfolio manager at Capital World Investors, a mutual fund company based in Los Angeles. He graduated from Brown University in 1986 with a degree in History and from Columbia Business School in 1991. He is married to Wendy Holcom… Continue reading
oracles ancient and modern
What I was trying to say last night when noise took over is that we have a long list of modern oracles–not that their message is (necessarily) mystical but because, like ancient oracles, they have been assigned the task of acquainting us with the… Continue reading →
08. April 2008 by Arrian
Categories: Commentary, Herodotus | Tags: Herodotus | 1 comment