Blog Archives
Congratulations to your moderator (he’s just received a small grant)
Andre Stipanovic, PhD, has just received a history grant to finish a writing project focused on the 1st century Roman historian Tacitus focused on his work Agricola. He’s addressing interesting questions – both about the form of Agricola and about… Continue reading
Herodotus Book I Update The writing of History
Thoughts from How to Read a Book by Adler & Van Doren These are some of my favorite quotes about writing/reading history. Please look them over and let’s think about how they might or might not apply to Herodotus as we read through Book I. Notes &… Continue reading
Some Observations
First, let me say that I have enjoyed so much the comments of my fellow readers. Your comments are so illuminating, and your close reading of the text is an inspiration to me. At the risk of cluttering your in boxes with drivel, I will share the f… Continue reading
Adam Davids (H2008 and A2009)
Adam Davids is the principal of the entertainment law practice, the Law Office of Adam Davids, P.C. In his practice, Adam represents artists and indies in their pursuit of their projects and the protection of their rights. Prior to establishing hi… Continue reading
favorites stories? observations? questions?
Folks, Love the online dialogue that’s beginning to happen. I was out to dinner last night with a few of our reading group members and we had a good chat about favorite stories and observations. So – what are your favorite stories so far? What’s t… Continue reading
Quick thoughts
Quick thought #1 about Hellenic unity: The Greeks usually dropped their political differences to compete in athletic contests of which the Olympics was only one event. Apparently their zeal for sports and religious festivals sometimes outweighed t… Continue reading
Herodotus Book 1 reading questions
Greetings Fellow Herodotus Readers! I am so sorry I had to miss the first call introducing Herodotus. Phil did a great job bringing us together and getting us started on this reading journey. I am Andre Stipanovic and I have worked with Phil on th… Continue reading
Seeking Wisdom – March 2008 – audio recording
Here’s the audio recording for the second Seeking Wisdom call. Listen online or download the mp3 file and listen to it as a podcast on your ipod. Download SeekingWisdom-March2008-Call2.mp3 Continue reading
Jim Janicki (H2008)
Jim Janicki is VP/GM of Invitrogen’s Applied Markets Business. Invitrogen is a biotechnology company that sells products for research, drug discovery, and bioproduction in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Jim’s mission is to move beyond … Continue reading
How is Apology and Phaedo going?
How’s your Plato reading going? How do you like Socrates’ defense in Apology? Are you inspired, surprised? For those of you who have read Herodotus and Thucydides – you know much more about the political and historical context than you might other… Continue reading →
03. April 2008 by Arrian
Categories: Commentary, Plato | Tags: Plato | Comments Off on How is Apology and Phaedo going?