Category Archives for Uncategorized
Joe Sundermeyer (T2008, A2008)
Joe Sundermeyer has worked at American Century Investments, an investment manager in Kansas City, since 1998 as a writer and now as managing editor/creative director for Prior to joining American Century Investments, he worked… Continue reading
Paul Gaetani (T2008, A2009)
Born and raised in New England, joined the Navy right out of high school, to “see the world”, I saw Orlando Florida and New London Connecticut! Worked in a lot of different industries, rode the high tech wave for a while (7 jobs in 7 years before … Continue reading
A second short essay on the financial crisis: now is the time to invest in ourselves
Folks, Here’s a second short essay on the financial crisis. This is meant to be a positive message and a call to action. I look forward to your responses (do hit “reply all” so everyone in the reading groups can participate). Phil Title: Now is th… Continue reading
Rick Engdahl (T2008)
Rick has been at The Motley Fool since 2001, first as Designer (Visual, Interaction, Identity, Front-end Dev), then as Art Director of Direct Response Marketing, and now as Director of Customer Experience. He also plays a mean guitar. Continue reading
Orna Shulman (T2008)
Orna Shulman founded her own investment company, OLS Ventures, LLC in early 2001 to manage her own investment portfolio and advise third parties in alternative investments and opportunistic real estate situations. For over 12 years, Ms. Shulman wa… Continue reading
FYI – two pieces I’ve written on the financial crisis
Fellow behavioral economics students: Here below are two articles I wrote that might be worth a read 😉 1. Transcript from an imagined conversation Read this first piece online here:… Continue reading
Tip 138 – Why You Shouldn’t Vote in a Fire House
An interesting bit on “priming” as we talked about in the behavioral psychology course… FWIW—I don’t really get the title of the post. (And, no, this doesn’t have to do with the fact that I’m married to a firefighter!) So why shouldn’t you vote in… Continue reading
Thomas Boyd (T2008)
Thanks for welcoming me to The Reading Odyssey. My friend and music mentor Pat Wictor invited me to join, and I’m looking forward to the books and the lively exchange of ideas. I’m currently writing and performing songs, producing concerts, finish… Continue reading
Dan Gabree (T2008)
I have been involved in IT Software and Services for close to 30 years. Currently, I am a Sr. Solution Strategist for CA’s Wily Technology Division, helping clients solve and prevent performance problems and proactively manage their customers’ exp… Continue reading
FYI: my statement on the financial crisis: anger and responsibility
Here’s what I’d like a reporter somewhere to write on the financial crisis: I’m angry, you are angry. We are justified in being angry. As Charlie Munger said at his annual meeting this year, so much “knavery and foolishness” and greed is behind th… Continue reading →
01. October 2008 by Arrian
Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: General Comments | 1 comment