Joyce Haas (RO1)


Joyce Haas is a product manager at WebMD Health where she currentlyleads the search experience across the various health information sitesin the WebMD network. Prior to joining WebMD, she was a Vice Presidentwith Tavistock Lifesciences, managing early stage biotech andbio-informatics investments and working closely with the managementteams of Tavistock’s portfolio companies. Prior to that Joyce was thedirector of Product Management at Cariocas, a venture funded SiliconValley software company that used proprietary algorithms based on gametheory to create integrated promotions focused on engaging consumersthroughout the product life cycle. She also worked with Monitor Companyand Goldman Sachs.

Joyce has a MA in economics from the University of Amsterdam and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

27. April 2007 by readingodysseyauthor
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