Slow Art Inspiration – Reflections on quick judgments
Here’s a little slow art inspiration. My 16-year-old daughter, wrote this essay—couple of days ago—pure coincidence, she knew nothing about slow art.
– Amelia Bellows, Slow Art Stanford host
“Reflections on quick judgments”
Oona Gleeson, 16 years old
Whether we like it or not, we all judge things. It may be an event, a person, an object, a quality. Every single day, in our minds, we make up judgments based on little knowledge. Sometimes, we need to just pause- and look around us. Who are we to judge anyone but ourselves?
Just recently, my mother took me on a trip to New York, to see all the modern art collections, and some colleges in the area I was interested in. One rainy day, we saw exhibits in both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan, which is in my point of view, even for an adult, boring after the first ten collections of art. Of course I was interested in the art, but looking back, I realize that I wasn’t really examining the artwork, just looking at it, and passing, already on to the next piece of work. So I was not happy to find out from my mother that we would be visiting yet another art studio in SoHo, where my mom used to make her artwork.
After around 5 minutes of strolling around the old creaky wood floor, gazing at each piece, I became annoyed at how long my mother would look at each piece, wondering what she was doing. At the back, there was a collection of framed pieces of paper, with one single splatter of different kinds of oil and ink on each one. I whispered to my mom so that the studio owner wouldn’t hear, “Anyone could make this! How do they call these pieces art?” My mother pointed to the script on the side of the wall next to the collection. The more I read it, the more I began to understand what the artist was trying to get across. The artist was trying to show the audience how life is not perfect, and everything has its little stains and blemishes. He wanted the splatters to look like stains, and each stain represented a different thing in his life.
Reading this one little paragraph literally changed the way I saw artwork, and the rest of my life. If you don’t take time in your life to stop and think about each piece of art, how can you expect to understand it? Each person is trying to get a point across in their art, and you can appreciate and recognize their talent. Every since that rainy afternoon, I have been applying what I have learned to not only my artwork and others artwork, but to the quick judgments I unconsciously make about others in everyday life.
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