Newseum Institute Article
Ashley Mehra, a student of the University of Virginia who joined us for the Comedy webinar we hosted last year with Professor Paul Cartledge and Bob Mankoff was inspired by the conversation and wrote a piece on ancient comedy and politics for the Newseum Institute.
You can read the article here:
Thanks Ashley!
Livy Books 28 & 29
Hi Everyone,
We held our February Livy reading session on Tuesday, February 9 2016.
We had a great discussion!
Click here to listen to to the recording of our call – Livy 28-29
Livy Books 26 & 27
Hi Everyone,
We held our January Livy reading group on Tuesday, January 12 – the first one of 2016!
You can listen to the discussion of books 26 and 27 here:
Livy – Books 24 & 25
Hey Everyone,
We held our 3rd session of our Livy reading group on Tuesday, November 10. A special thank you to Andre Stipanovic who was our guest moderator for this call.
Below is a link to listen:
Livy – Books 22 & 23
Hi Everyone,
We had a great discussion for our 2nd Livy reading group on Tuesday, October 20 2015.
Here is a link to listen:
Livy – Introduction and Book 21
We held our first Livy reading group on Tuesday, September 15 2015. We had a great discussion!
Here is a link to listen:
Comedy 2500 with Bob Mankoff and Paul Cartledge
Listen to our celebration of the 2,500-year anniversary of the birth of comedy – a great conversation with Bob Mankoff, Cartoon Editor of The New Yorker, and Professor Paul Cartledge, A.G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture Emeritus, Cambridge University.
Our discussion included the introduction of the first Comedy in Athens, the role of comedy in a democracy, freedom of expression, the history of comedy, and the recent Charlie Hebdo controversy.
Below is a link to listen to the audio:
Download Bob Mankoff’s slides here.
Aristophanes – Frogs of 405 BC
We held our final reading session for the 2,500-year anniversary of the first comedy on Monday, April 13 at 8pm.
We discussed Aristophanes’ Frogs of 405 BC. Thanks to all who participated!
Here is a link to listen:
Final Herodotus Session with Professor Paul Cartledge!
We held our final 2014-2015 Herodotus reading group session on Wednesday, March 18 at 7pm.
We were very excited to have Professor Paul Cartledge, A.G. Leventis Professor at Cambridge University, one of the most distinguished classicists living today join us for our discussion.
Here is a link to listen:
Ovid – Introduction, Books I & II
Hi Everyone,
We held our first Ovid reading group on Tuesday, May 10 and it was a great discussion!
We discussed the Introduction plus books I & II and you can listen here:
11. May 2016 by Kristen Kmiec
Categories: Commentary, Ovid, Reader Call | Tags: Commentary, ovid, Reader Call | 1 comment